The Hymns To Freedom Project

Venue Name:

The Rose Theatre


1 Theatre Lane


Brampton, ON L1V 5M4

Show Date:

November, 12 2024


7:30 PM



The Hymns To Freedom Project

In response to racial injustice, THE HYMNS TO FREEDOM PROJECT by composer Corey Butler blends Classical Music and Negro Spirituals to inspire hope and unity. Through a docu-concert with The Rose Orchestra and Jackie Richardson, the project reconciles past struggles with modern challenges. Emphasizing love, respect, and unity, it promotes harmonious collaboration as a powerful antidote to division.

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime.

To cultivate a love for music and provide comprehensive education that goes beyond the notes on the page. We strive to instill a deep appreciation for various genres, fostering creativity and expression in every student.